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REST Endpoints

The endpoints supported by the REST API are outlined below, including the path, REST method, inputs, and outputs for each method call.

add_stream - This method allows you to add a stream to EyesOnIt which you can then monitor

remove_stream - This method removes a stream from EyesOnIt which was previously added with the AddStream method.

monitor_stream - This endpoint monitors a stream which was previously added to EyesOnIt with the add_stream endpoint.

stop_monitoring_stream - This endpoint stops monitoring of a stream which was previously added to EyesOnIt and monitored with the add_stream and monitor_stream endpoints.

get_preview_video_frame - This method gets a video frame from a stream that has not been added to EyesOnIt.

get_video_frame - This endpoint gets a video frame from a stream that has been added to EyesOnIt and is being monitored.

process_image - This method uses the EyeOnIt Large Vision Model to process a single base64-encoded image.

get_streams_info - This method gets information about each stream that is currently added to EyesOnIt.

get_last_detection_info - This method gets information about the last detection for the specified stream.

get_bounding_box_objects - This method gets the bounding box classes supported for common object detection.