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Efficient Detection

The JSON efficient_detection element encapsulates input settings provided to EyesOnIt to control motion detection. Motion detection is also referred to as efficient detection because motion detection is a fast way to determine when the EyesOnIt Large Vision Model needs to run.


"efficient_detection": {
"periodic_check_enabled": true,
"periodic_check_seconds": 5.0,
"motion_detection_enabled": true,
"motion_detection_seconds": 0.5,
"motion_detection_threshold": 5000


periodic_check_enabledbooleantrue to enable periodic image checks which compare object descriptions to a video frame even if motion has not been detected. false to disable periodic image checks and motion detection completely. This property must be true for any other motion detection to occur.
periodic_check_secondsnumberthe interval in seconds for periodic image checks in the abscense of motion. This value must be greater than 0.
motion_detection_enabledbooltrue to enable motion detection, false to disable it.
motion_detection_secondsnumberthe interval in seconds for motion detection. This value must be greater than 0.
motion_detection_thresholdintthe pixel area that constitutes motion. Ex: to interpret a change to a 10x10 pixel area as motion, set this to 100.