EyesOnIt Docker
For maximum portability, the docker installer allows EyesOnIt to be installed on Windows, Linux or Mac computers. If the computer has a supported NVIDIA GPU, EyesOnIt will use that GPU for improved performance. If the computer does not have a supported NVIDIA GPU, EyesOnIt will use the CPU for image and video processing. Performance will be significantly degraded when using the CPU, but CPU processing may still allow validation for simple scenarios.
Installing the EyesOnIt Docker Image
Quick start
1. Create an account and get your free developer license
Go to eyesonit.us and create an account or log in by clicking the Log In / Sign Up link at the top of the page
Go to the account page to get your license key and token
2. Install the software
Install Docker from here
Run Docker
Pull our Docker image
docker pull eyesonit/eyesonit_v3
3. Run the software
- Create a container with your license key and token as parameters
If you have an NVIDIA GPU
Use this Docker run command to create your container with GPU support:
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --gpus all -e EOI_LICENSE_KEY=<your license key> -e EOI_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN=<your license token> -v <host-docker-volume-path>:/home/eyesonit_data eyesonit/eyesonit_v2:latest
If you don't have an NVIDIA GPU
You can use your CPU for processing with this command:
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -e EOI_LICENSE_KEY=<your license key> -e EOI_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN=<your license token> -v <host-docker-volume-path>:/home/eyesonit_data eyesonit/eyesonit_v2:latest
Example docker run command
Here's an example docker run command:
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --gpus all -e EOI_LICENSE_KEY=CE123A-A9876A-1DAC49-5849BE-049A23-V3 -e EOI_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN=activ-1a283b47c92d38e98f23a98b34d58e7vc3 -v /home/docker_volume/eyesonit:/home/eyesonit_data eyesonit/eyesonit_v2:latest
Note: If you are receiving your RTSP stream through a video management system, you may have to open another port on the container. You can do that by adding something like "-p 654:654" after "-p 8000:8000".
Open the test UI
On the same computer where you ran EyesOnIt, open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000/dashboard
You can find more information about the test UI here